On September 27th 2010, Bussaco Battle will be remembered!
This battle took place in September 27th 1810 with the defeat of Napoleonic troops, confronting the best military strategists of that epoch: Junot, Massena and Wellington. This historical reconstitution can not be missed!
Programme highlights:
12th June to 4th July - Exhibition at Cine-Teatro Municipal Messias
25th September - Battle reenactment
29th to 31st October - International meeting about the Bussaco Battle
See more here
Uma posição do Conselho de Guerra sobre deslocação de população na
província do Alentejo (1662)
Corria o ano de 1662 e a província do Alentejo preparava-se para sofrer,
pelo segundo ano consecutivo, a campanha vitoriosa do exército de Filipe
IV, coman...
Há 3 semanas
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