1810- «The Portuguese troops are in very high spirits and seem anxious to meet the enemy. They are in a very improved state of discipline, and promise well. It would be unfair to doubt them with these qualities. Poor fellows, they fight for everything that is dear to them. I never saw a Regt. embark in better style or higher spirits than the 20th Portuguese Regt. did for Cadiz a few days ago.(...) The French will, I dare hope, find themselves mistaken in the Portuguese troops, and though I am not , sanguine as to the final result, unless Spain does more than she has done yet, I am sure the Conquest will cost them/very dear. »
William Warre, Letters From The Peninsula: 1808-1812, pag 71
Uma posição do Conselho de Guerra sobre deslocação de população na
província do Alentejo (1662)
Corria o ano de 1662 e a província do Alentejo preparava-se para sofrer,
pelo segundo ano consecutivo, a campanha vitoriosa do exército de Filipe
IV, coman...
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